Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ubtyauh! (By Jenny)

hey hey!

first off, i'm sorry that i didn't do this earlier . . . my excuse is that i've been super busy and i'm technologically challenged, but that's not much of an excuse. so i'm sorry.

next, i think this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

third, i still need to read all the other posts . . . but yeah, i'll get around to it . . . at some point. lol.

so yeah, i've been having a grand ole time readjusting to college life! oh! oh! i have to explain my title. lol. some of you may have read it on fb, but just in case: cassi has this album titled "UbTyAuH" and when i saw it in the news feed i said to myself "oo-bee-tah-ooh? what kind of word is that?" then i realized that the capitalized letters were capitalized for a reason . . . lol. so yeah, i created a new word in my head. i'm not really sure of the definition yet, but it sounds cool ;)

so anyway . . . i'm not really sure what else i'm supposed to be talking about here . . . i'm kind of just rambling  . . . so yeah . . . ummmmmmm???????? lol. 

oh! so i bought skinny jeans when i went back-to-school shopping (my fave kind of shopping) and they're really awesome! i wanted to wear them today, but they have lots of sparklies and stuff so i can't wear them with like a plain tshirt. so i got all dressed up today for fun! woohoo! i'm not really sure where i was going with that story . . . but i LOVE my skinny jeans. i feel sexxy. lol. but yeah . . . umm . . . anything else i feel the need to share with y'all??? idk . . . ummm . . . . ooh! so i'm a tutor for math right? well they bumped pay to $8.05 and hour! woo hoo! lol. ummmm . . . can i say umm any more times? lol. i think yes. lol. um, i think you all knew about how ASL Club became official last year, and now we are waiting for budget appropriations to tell us how much money we're gonna get. and thursday, at our meeting, we are gonna talk about tshirts. and we might end up working with Delta Zeta sorority to do some sort of workshop because their philanthropy is speech and hearing . . . i'm very excited about it all XD

so yeah . . . ummm . . . oh! so i have to take a year of a language for a gen ed because ONU is lame and doesn't have ASL. so since my roomie is a french minor, i'm taking french. and my prof sucks. majorly. Elle est terrible! (kera, that was for you. lol.) so yeah, my roomie has taught me more french than my professor. i love my roomie! 

AAAAAANNNNNNDD . . . that's about it. i think. i'm pretty sure i'm done. i love college. i love life. i love you! yay! :) 

<3 Jenny jen jen jen 

p.s. i apologize for my lack of proper english, but i am lazy, especially with typing. hence the erratic capitalizations and whatnot.

p.p.s. i have been using "whatnot" a lot lately and i have no idea why. lol. but its like my new favorite word. lol.


  1. Haha I love your new word. I love Cassi's creativeness on that and I love how you read it like that. Tehe. It is a fun word to say. Ooh, Jenny feels sexy. haha. Good for you. :) I am trying to picture these skinny jeans, you'll have to have Mr. Jones take a picture and send it to us so we can see your sexiness ;) (that word is weird with an i....haha...there's an I in Sexiness HAHA).....wow. Yay for French, I have to say it. haha.

  2. haha. that made me laugh "there's and I in sexiness" haha. that's great. and yeah, i guess i can get a pic taken of the skinny jeans. should/can i post it on here? or shall i just put it on fb???

  3. Hahahaha!! I forgot I said that baha! Love it! Hmm you might be able to post that pic here, but I am not sure how to go about doing it. Cassi would probably know better. I can fish around to see. :D
