Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ugh by Jenny

So first off, i'm sorry, but i'm totally addicted to this blog. let me know if i'm posting too much. lol.

so anyway, the topic of this post is my frustration/excitement/worry over our transition to semesters. i was talking to kera online a few minutes ago and it came up. lol.

so yeah, in case you didn't know, ONU is switching from quarters to semesters. which on the one hand is exciting because we'll have a longer Christmas break, but on the other hand is a pain in the ass (pardon my language, but its that frustrating sometimes). we had to meet with our advisors to come up with a conversion plan to turn in to the university. we had to sign it and everything. that doesnt bother me, i love to plan, so that was great. however, it also made me realize how much i have to get done. and since i'll have to spend half a year student teaching instead of just 1/3 of a year, i lose a lot of time. and i have a lot of requirements. so i'm ending up with absolutely no wiggle room in my schedule, but they haven't fully planned out all the courses yet. prime example of a problem: i have to take both stats and french 3 this spring. however, this spring they are only offered at the same time. now, i am lucky in that i know the department chair of math and i told him about my problem and he's gonna talk to the stats prof about changing the time. however, i know that the same problem will occur with other people. the university promised everyone that was coming into the school that their switch to semesters would not prolong any student's stay. i realize that a lot of students would stay more than four years anyway, but that is beside the point. a student that has done everything right and gotten good grades should not have to stay more than four years or take summer classes to complete a bachelors degree. so i'm refusing to take summer classes because the university should waive a gen ed if their scheduling prevents me from taking it.

so yeah, basically we have fewer oppportunities to take classes and the university is going to have a lot of crap to deal with as this conversion occurs. i mean, i have full faith that it will all work out, i just get a little frustrated sometimes. i needed to vent said frustration. thanks for reading. even if you didn't. lol.

love always,

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