Thursday, October 7, 2010

OKTOBUR - By Cassi

Oh hey! I have a tiny minute for a tiny post. :D

I am liking everyone's postings! They are lovely and SO FUNNY! It makes me happy. I hope everyone keeps posting their life up here because I love keeping up with you guys.

October is in the air. Halloween is in the air. Our apartment is pimped out, just in case you cared to know. :D There are cobwebs covering the entire living room, with black trash bags to make the ceiling black. BOOYAH! Oh any my roommate has this creepy thing that talks at you whenever you turn the lights on and off. I hate it because I'm a fraidy cat. 

Nothing is new with me! Just school work friends school work school school. :D Yes. I like school though. I really do. I love learning and I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to come to this school. When I was sitting in my New Testament class (*fist bump Kera*), it really hit me how lucky I was! I love learning about religion and so I'm pretty much in heaven (ha ha) here with a mix of secular and religious loveliness. :D This year has been a good one so far. Kera, in New Testament we just read the Sermon on the Mount and I think my favorite part was the verse about casting the mote out of thine own eye. What about you? Jenny? Anyone else who reads the Bible? :)

So I love the random quotes that Kera posted. Those are SO FUNNY! I loved the one about the "wait." :) I have some funny quotes to share as well! About a week ago my friend Taylor slept over; I sleep on the top bunk and she just slept up there too, so my roommate Mary found out later that that had happened, and then Taylor was like, "Yes Mary, I've been sleeping on top of you.... wait...." HA HA HA HA! I thought it was really funny. Another funny thing! I was walking with a friend, and I was trying to explain to her why a ton of guys liked her. I said, "You're really friendly!" And as I said that I tried to give her a side hug but I ended up slapping her butt. HA HA! Ooops! So now we always say, "YOU'RE REALLY FRIENDLY!" And slap each other's butts. I love it. :D Anyway. Tell me what's new guys.

<3 Cassi

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