Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Torrential Downpour!

Hey hey! so its been a while, but i feel the need to tell this epic story. lol.
so on tuesdays i only have two hours of class and an hour of work. so i eat lunch at noon with Sam and Beth (my roomie), then we go back to affinity (our dorm) and do whatever it is we need/want to do.

well today there is/was a tornado warning/watch. so we decide to leave mac (the cafe) before it gets really bad. sam and i get our bikes and ride over to beth's which is at the library. its really windy, so i get all excited and go "yeeeeehaaawwwww!" because its fun and we had decided to play "lets see who falls off there bike first!." i notice that its sprinkling and suddenly, more like instantaneously, its a DOWNPOUR! i mean can't see like 5 feet in front of you rain. intense. so we leave our bikes oustide and run in the library. after a minute or two it slows down a little, and beth convinces us that its not gonna get better. so we make sure our bikes are locked down and decide to run to affinity. which is across campus. lol. so first we run from the library back to mac, then from mac to freed (performing arts center), then from freed to affinity east (opposite half of our dorm complex area). but our keys dont get us into that building, so we stand out there for a minute, deciding what to do. luckily someone lets us in and we walk through the building, out onto the porch. then across the open field to our porch and finally inside. it was epic. it was wet. it was fun. i was running along side two former soccer players to get to a safe spot. it was intense.

i really wanted to share the experience with you. plus no one has posted anything for a long time. lol.

LOVE YOU!!!! <3 jenny jen jen jen ;)

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