Friday, October 8, 2010

Oak Trees and Crispy Rice - Kera

For the record, it is rather confusing for me to have a separate blog and when I try to upload here and be logged in under my name...yeah it doesn't like that too well. haha. So just know that I go through some chaos before every post all because I love you ;)

Yay that Jenny finally posted tehe. And yay for Cassi's funny/awkward moments. I live for those (as you all know haha)

So there's definitely a class here called "Intimate Relationships". How hilariously awesome is that? And at my hall meeting the other night, we read To Give a Mouse a Cookie and colored :) (oh and ate donuts, almost the best part! ha). Oh and I go to see my calc prof and usually he'll see me no matter what he has next, but this time he says, "I'm 45 minutes late to a meeting, you have my number right (it's in our syllabus). Call me tonight." You can imagine my awkwardness as I nodded, said okay, and numbly walked around the corner. WHAT? haha I was feeling so strange to have this professor of mine just chipperly (new word!) say "Call me!" hahaha. And yes, I called him and it was soooo weird, but he was so helpful and dropped whatever he was doing to help. At first part of me thinks "That's what I pay for", but not necessarily. He is such a gracious professor. :) Do you guys have awesome profs like that?

My criminal justice class is making me feel quite patriotic and I am enjoying calculus still. Yay. Analytical chemistry is crazy! The first day of class, "So everything you learned in general chemistry is a lie." Thanks! haha. How awesome is that to walk into a class and be told everything of your entire science career has been a lie...okay, so, not that dramatic, but that's kind of how it felt. haha.

More in response to Cassi but for all to read: The Sermon on the Mount...are you talking about the plank in one's eye? I could be way off on which verse you are refering to.

OH OH! I need to share this amazing revelation I had the other day. Isaiah, he prophecies that when He comes to save all of us, that we shall then be oaks of righteousness (Isa 61). Jesus in Luke quotes (therefore showing how He has fulfilled prophecy) Isaiah and reminds us on how He, the Messiah, has come so we could all be righteous. And and, this part is WAY cool. Still in Luke I believe, Jesus heals the blind man at Bethsaida (?) and He asks the man, "What do you see?". The once-was-the-blind-man says, "I see people walking around like trees." This man was seeing all the people (Jews and Gentiles, Pharisees and Sadducees, the poor, the weak, the sad, the suffering...all of those people meaning all of us no matter what our past is like), all those people he was seeing, he was seeing as righteous. Therefore, he was seeing how all of us are oaks of righteousness because of Christ coming for us. How awesome is it that we are righteous and we don't have to do anything for it but believe in Him. Now that's a miraculous God. :) I just needed to share that.

I love you guys uber much and I am missing you. I keep seeing people with a sweater like Mo's, and a laugh like Amber's, or the back of the head like Gabby, a friend of mine is just like you Jenny in a lot of ways, a quick little jig that they hoped nobody saw just like Cassi's, and cute outfits like Caitlin's....all these amazing things and it makes me miss you guys and the simplest things about you. Of course I miss ALL of you, but I am even missng those little tiny things! I am sending lots of love to you guys and I pray that you'd all be at peace and have rest. LOVE YOU ALL BUNCHES OF CRUNCHY AND POPPIN' CRISPY RICE ;)

P.S. When I was checking out our pageviews and how many countries and people who have viewed our pages, apparantly we've had three people from Canada view our pages? WHAT? HAHA. Which one of you is illegally transporting to Canada? ;)

1 comment:

  1. haha. well first off, yay calculus!!!! glad you're enjoying it ;)

    as for awesmoe profs . . . i dont have any numbers, but i do have some pretty awesome profs! for instance: i have this problem of having two classes that i have to take offered at the exact same time. one of them is Stats. so i told the dept chair about my issue and he told me he'd talk to the prof teaching that class and see if they can change the time! so i emailed the chair a list of times i could take it and i'm hoping the prof will be able to change the time! how cool is that???

    so yeah ttyl! <3 jenny <3
