Thursday, October 28, 2010

Its me again . . . ~by Jenny

Haha. ok. so i'm sorry if i'm bothering y'all with all my posts . . . but i have soo much to share with you! (and i have these amounts of time in which i can't get anything significant done but its enough time to be bored . . . but mostly i have a lot i want to share ; ] )

so anyway, first, ASL Club.
in case you hadn't known already, i started ASL Club last year, and we became official at the end of the year. so we got a table at Welcome Fest this year and got a bunch of people signed up. like 71 people. well obviously i dont have that many people in my club. but we do have 20 members (about 9 or 10 of which are inactive, but thats ok) and its really exciting :) i'm sooooo happy about the progress of this club. and i keep making things more and more official. for example, i created an attendance list on excel today because we have an attendance policy in our bylaws. and i keep thinking of ways to organize my information in order to pass it on to future facilitators. which is doubly exciting. 1) because i like to organize. lol. and 2) because when i think about people taking over when i'm gone . . . its just really happy :)  so yeah . . . that's mostly it for this topic . . .

second, my schedule:
so since ONU decided to switch to semesters, we as students had to sit down with advisors in both our major and minor fields and figure out what classes we are taking for the remainder of our lives here. lol. i already posted about the frustration part of that. but Gabby posted about all her classes, and they sounded so exciting. . . i felt like sharing my schedule. but its not nearly as exciting. in fact, i can't say i'm actually looking forward to any of my classes. . . i will continue to take french at the same time and place and with the same professor,which is more torture than anything. then i have history of math, which just doesn't sound fun. then there is linear algebra, which i hear is easy, but its just another math class that i have to take but wont really need in my career . . . then i have exceptional learner, which is an ed class about special education students. which doesn't sound terrible or boring, but its tuesday nights and my roommate took it last year and hated it. *sigh* the only class i was particularly excited about was social dance, and thats because 1) i like to dance and 2) i was supposed to take it with sam and a couple other friends. but sam had financial issues and scheduled late and couldn't get into the class. so now i'm kind of afraid i'm gonna have to dance with someone who is disgusting or something . . . so its less exciting. so yeah . . . jenny is somewhat jealous of Gabby in her ability to take fun classes . . . lol. but other than that, my life is good and i am happy :)

i hopeses all of yous are happy too :) and yeah, i'm gonna try to stop posting so much so the rest of you have a chance to share your lives ;) lol.

loveses muchlies,
Jenny McJenJen <3


  1. Hey! Don't be jealous of me. At least you have some semblance of an dea of where you're going with your life. I'm just sitting here twiddling my thumbs, trying not to get eaten by buzzards. :) Gabs

  2. haha. ok. but at least you get to have fun while twiddling your thumbs. i'm just doing a checklist so i can do what i already know how to do. lol. ~jen

  3. Gabs - hey, don't think you are just sitting there twiddling your thumbs. You are learning all these wonderful things that will shape where you end up. Who cares if you don't know that the minute you graduate you are going to run off and do this. It's coming you way....wait for it. :) But yes, please don't get eaten by the buzzards, that's not part of the plan! haha. <3 you!
