Friday, September 24, 2010

I Lime You So Tartly

So I am definitely not on the Glee scene....:( But I think it sounds great. You know me, I never watch TV. haha. I am in the groove of PILE ON THE HOMEWORK....haha You all know what I mean. Tests are flying at me and homework is piling (WHOA IT JUST STARTED POURING!!)...innyhoo...yes. It's all very exciting. My criminal justice class is getting me all fired up about historical documents! And I am liking calculus! It's amazing what happens to you when you want to learn!! :) I was wondering what you have all learned about historical documents in your years of learning. Did you ever learn about the Mayflower Compact and what did you learn were the main points of our popular documents (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, George Washington's Farewell Address, Articles of Conderation). I am rather curious, so if you get a moment, give me a quick little earful :) My New Testament clas is AMAZING! haha My professor actually read us a children's book today. He's a rather adorable man haha. And he'll sing in class and the whole time he is teaching us the Bible. Of course I find it rather fascinating as is, but he makes it really funny! Yes guys, the Bible is meant to be funny too! Get that? God has a sense of humor? WHAT? How could that ever be? ;)
Haha, so today I passed a group of four girls who must have been in a very heated discussion because the one yells exasperatedly, "I was saying I thought you meant (weight, wait...not sure which one until she goes...), you know, in STOP WAIT! (I almost died laughing.....haha)
Oh and two other funny overheard things. A guy and girl in the middle of Chuck's (our cafeteria). Guys says to girl: This is the very reason I bought my Backstreet Boys boxers! Tehe
 Second one, guy and girl in Chuck's again....they must have been intensely arguing something because she yells at him, "WE COULD TOO HAVE A BABY!" What could they possibly have been arguing about? haha

This is getting kinda long and I should be studying so...toodaloo! I lime you all so tartly! <3

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