Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year's Tidbit

A NEW YEAR of 2011.

Returning to school has been nothing but encouraging :)
Some of my friends didn't know I had broken up with Robbie and they've been so sweetly concerned. Two of them are guy friends that we always tease each other (one as if we hate each other). I mentioned it casually in conversation and they both got really concerned and asked if I was okay. That has really shown me a) that this is exactly where I am supposed to be b) everything that has happened has happened just as it should.

I am officially a psychology major with a criminal justice minor. That was a big step to get it on paper and I was a bit nervous, but it's done and I am super excited. My parents aren't necessarily enthused for a few reasons, but I had to do it. I know that is where God wants me and I want to do it :)

I feel super excited and carefree this days. The snow is wonderful, everything tastes wonderful...haha. I'm in love with life :) I mean I always have been, but I am really embracing every small moment lately and I love it.

I do miss you guys more than I have before leaving to go back to school because I really feel that it clicked with me so much more how special you guys are to me. So, I am missing you guys! I talk about you all so much more haha. I think I said each of you names twice in stories the other day haha.

My Old Testament class looks like it will be really neat. The professor wants us to call him TC haha. He's this adorable Asian man with a lot of spunk. haha. He told us some adorable stories about him being a complete romantic (he loves poetry and took tons of Shakespearan classes in college). He says at the end of class, "This is a preface and a warning. I am an army brat." He goes on telling us how his father was a great high up there something in the military and fought in Vietnam. "He was my hero, confidant, my best friend." Tons of soldiers would come and stay at his house and how they had foul language. "So if I cuss, and I know I will because when I am tired, my filter isn't as good, don't be offended. It is my history and how I grew up. I mean, one time this guy from ALabama came and ate with us. My mom cooked him this amazing and wonderful meal and he just scarfed it up and ate and ate and ate. At the end he goes, 'That was so f* good." My adorable mother with her Asian Southern accent says, 'Ohhhh! I am glad you like it.' That is just how my family is." Haha It just really made me laugh how he portrayed it. And the fact that he's a romantic is so amusing. Mondays are going to be my longest day with 5 classes. I'll be taking general psychology and I guess the prof is a bit nuts. tehe. It'll be neat.


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