Saturday, January 8, 2011

Life Update


so i realized that no one at all has posted for a while, and i personally have not posted for like over a month. . . or something like that. so i decided that it is update on my life time :)

lets see . . . winter quarter is in full swing now and while my classes are not terribly difficult, a few of them are a pain in the rear-end. lol. first, we have French. which, don't get me wrong, is a beautiful language, but the class itself still sucks. lol. next is history of math. how exciting does that sound? well its about as exciting as it sounds. lol. i'm convinced the prof is like pre-alzheimer's bc he forgets where he is on the printed page of notes in the middle of a sentence, he's asked me the same questions about my major and year like 3 or 4 times . . . its just a waste of an hour for me. its a silly class. anyway, next is probably my favorite class, which is social dance :) we have learned fox trot and waltz, and we are currently working on swing dance :) in the rest of the quarter i think we are covering tango, salsa, and samba, and maybe mambo (?) i'm excited and i love the class. of course, i'm taking it with sam, dawn, and alex, and none of them are big dancers like me, so they dont have as much fun . . . oh well. lol. anyway, then i have linear algebra, which is easy and that's nice. and last but not least is exceptional learner. which is about special education and is probably the class i most dislike. i would like it if the prof actually taught, and taught us how to teach these kids. but no, we read a book that really just gives us a bunch of definitions and stats . . . *sigh*

anyway, so that's my academic life, whats next? oh! i got asked by a math prof to grade for him this quarter, so i get to log two more hours of work a week and i get to practice grading quizzes and tests and i love it :)

other stuff . . . ASL Club has taken off this year and i'm really really happy about it :) we got pretty blue tshirts made and i did a workshop with the Delta Zeta's because their philanthropy is speech and hearing and they loved it. i actually got a new member out of it :) and we have plans to work with them to have a Deaf Awareness Day on campus during Deaf History Month (March 13-April 15) and i'm excited about that too :)

umm . . . on a downish side, my roommate has been clashing with a few others in our group lately and its causing some tension, but i think some clear communication would fix it. . . i mean, i get frustrated with pretty much everyone in the group every once in a while, but i still love them all, and so yeah, nothing terrible is going on :)

another down note, recycling club had a purpose of collecting the recycling around campus. however, res life decided to make that a work study position, so we have basically lost the purpose of our club. . . so we need to rearrange to make ourselves about awareness and education. therefore, i may be coming to Caitlin/Amber/Gabby with some questions in the future . . . so yeah, on top of this, we are probably getting a new advisor, so yeah, recycling club is going through an upheaval, but i'm holding out hope that things will turn out for the best :)

on a happier note, its almost my one year with sam and i'm really happy :) lol. things with us are still wonderful :)

so yeah, that's pretty much all of it . . . i could ramble some more, but i dont wanna put you to sleep ;)

hope all is well for everyone else!!!

love always,
jen <3

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