Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mushy Gushy Girlyness

Okay, it seems just yesterday and also at the same time years ago that I posted Robbie and I broke up. And now here I am to tell you that I am dating my best friend Zachary Graves. haha. I know for all of you this may seem extremely sudden (though I guess SOME of you called it long before I even saw it coming aha! COUGH! AMBER!) I would love to tell you all the story sometime, though this blog won't suffice, so we'll save it for one of our big parties I am guessin'. I will say that I am the happiest I have been in a long time and he has such deep trust and respect for me. He actually wrote me the most loving and awesome letter - one that says who he wants to be in Christ and in our relationship. Needless to say, tears came to my eyes. It has been completely and totally God led and you know me, the planner, well I actually didn't plan a BIT of it and that's why I know it's solely God. I can't wait to introduce him to you all. He's a sweetie :) Something is really different in all of this guys. Okay I'll stop being a mushy gushy girl - it's kinda embarassing. haha.

I just wanted to tell you all. I love you and I miss you and I hope you guys have been blessed and favored this week. LOVE!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha! i'm sorry. i'm not laughing at the fact that you're happy and in a nice relationship, i'm laughing at the fact that this was so totally foreseeable! i love you kera. and i'm glad you are happy, but not the least bit surprised by this ;) <3 j
