Thursday, December 2, 2010

Eggs and the F-Bomb - Kera

I thought since I have some spare time for once in three weeks, I am going to post here :)

As you all know the "f-bomb" has detonated....FLURRIES! I have to say it so beautiful outside especially when it is nice and fluffy and it catches in your hair and tickles your nose. It makes you feel slightly dreamy inside. Maybe it is just me? haha.

Lately I've been really evaluating my educational process....I think what I am going to do is space out my classes more and spend more years total in school. Taking 17-20 credit hours every semester is not a plan for success for me...I have 15 right now and two of my classes are killing me. It took me a while to accept this idea that was presenting itself. I am Class of 2010! Hurrah! But I've come to realize that sure I may say I am that, but if I don't learn what I am supposed to learn cramming it all like I've had to, I won't graduate then anyways. So what seems like a better plan? Exactly. ha. Now you know what is going on on that front.

I just did a "controversial chemistry paper" on birth control. I found it so facinating to read more in depth on the female body. You guys might think I am totally whacko sure, but I really have come to just admire what God has created. Sure, having a period can be annoying / gross at times, but after studying more on how many changes are occuring just so one little egg can dilly dally its way to potentially being fertilized is rather sweet if you think about it. And I wanted to share a little story that made me appreciate a little more "Aunt Flo". A woman in my Bible study told us probably 6 months ago now a little testimony of sorts. She and her husband have two children already and decided that was perfect for them so she had a procedure done that thinned the lining of her uterus so eggs could no longer implant. Yet, she started to have a maternal urge to have another child, but she kept ignoring it. All these women were having babies and she just brushed it off as being that "oh the baby is so cute I want one" syndrome. However, one day the Lord told her that she was going to have another baby. She laughed and was like "God, you know the surgery I had, how is that possible?" However in the course of the last few months she's found she is wanting a "miracle baby". Ironically, a lot of the devotionals that we in the Bible study read have ended up dealing with this awesome man of God saying "if you want a baby, start preparing" etc. Well the other day (and sorry if ahead of time this is gross for you guys), she said that she was on her period and she felt a gush of blood. What most women would typically feel is panic or digust, but instead her heart leapt for joy because that has not happened in the years since she had her surgery! That means her uteral lining is developing on its own! So to the point of the story is that.....I've just been awestruck by these little things I can take for granted or just find as "normal bodily functions" are really a blessing disguise. I had a little moment today where I just thought (of course I am going to say this in a sillier way than it was presented in my mind), "one day...that little egg that usually goes bye-bye will instead meet the sperm of its dreams and develop into a baby, my baby!" Isn't it really just kind of amazing? Anyways, I'll get off that subject for those of you who might be feeling a little queasy, but I hope it insome ways blessed you as it did me (as odd as it may be).

Annnnnd I'd like to say that we MUST go sledding this winter. I haven't been sledding in two, possibly three years and I am dying to go. So, you + me + snow + sled = adventure of a lifetime! Do any of you have sleds? I have a long yellow one that we could use.

I hope you're all doing swell and are chugging through the last parts of the semester (or quarter) and with finals! I know you will all do awesome!

P.S. The peppermint hershey kisses are amazing...I think I've fallen in love again :) Just when I thought hugs were enough....not anymore. ;)


  1. 1) you are not the only one that fluffy snow has that affect on. ;) lol.
    2) i feel as if you made a typo. in order to be class of 2010 you would have only spent one year in college . . . did you mean 2013 or did i miss something entirely???
    3) that little quote about the egg . . . hahaha! it made me laugh. but i get your point, and yeah, it usually amazes me when i think about being able to hold life within me . . . I AM SOOOO EXCITED ABOUT HAVING A BABY SOMEDAY!!!!!sorry . . . lol. but its true.
    4)sledding = agreed. but i dont think i have a working sled anymore . . . :(
    5) i did well on finals thank you :) and am now into my second quarter . . .

    that is all :) <3 jen

  2. 2) Hahahaha you're right! I definitely typoed! SURPRISE! I amd graduating this year baha.

    3) Yeah it is really amazing how one day life can grow inside of us. I think it is so cool how God chooses to bless us in that way :)

    4) OH well, we will manage. I am really hoping to go sledding!
