Monday, December 6, 2010

Faith We Would Not Fade Away by Honest Abe

I'm starting my own tradition: every post will be titled with some type of song lyric. Yay!

Sooooooo I suck. I haven't been on here in FOREVER. Things with school got wayyyyy out of control, I've just had craploads of work to do recently. So to update everyone on my life...

This semester has been fairly decent. Lots of things happened on campus, and it's really made me think about a lot of things. We were at a remembrance ceremony this afternoon for a first year girl who was killed in a car accident on her way home for Thanksgiving. It was heartbreaking to hear about. It just made me think about how short life is and how I really need to live my life the way I want to.

I received some...interesting news this weekend about a certain person. I'm sure most of you know who it (he) is. Surprisingly, I'm not really that torn up about it. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. But I got some sound advice from Eat, Pray, Love: "Send him light and love every time you think of him, and then drop it." Good words to live by.

I realized I'm in love with a language. Spanish. I freaking love it. Yet I'm saddened because next semester will be the last semester I'll have room in my schedule to take it. *tear*

For the past several months I have been utterly OBSESSED with Salman Rushdie. I'm in the middle of reading The Ground Beneath Her Feet and I'm telling you, I'm in love with this guy's writing. Ask Gabby. I've scared her a few times, actually, reading that book, by randomly sobbing or laughing out loud. But you guys know how emotional I get over literature. But anyways...READ IT. SERIOUSLYI'MNOTEVENKIDDINGYOUALLHAVETOREADITSOICANTALKABOUTITTOSOMEONEELSEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Now that the spaz attack is over...I have a song I'd like to dedicate to all of us:
"We Are Okay" by Joshua Radin

Love love love always and forever,
Honest Abe xoxo


  1. so first off, i LOVE THAT SONG!!!! its perfect ambeer'n'skittles :)
    idky i said first off, bc i dont have really anythign else to say. lol. i'm sorry to hear about that girl . . . and i hope you really are ok with whatever happened with that certain person . . . and yeah. that's about it. good to hear from you!! <3 jen

  2. I for whatever reason, I cannot figure out what song that this. And JENNY! YOU USED THE WORD TEHE. I love that phrase beer 'n' skittles. I still remember the day I found that in the dictionary in third period study hall baha! Awesome times!!! And I am not really sure about this certain someone you are talking about unless I am being a total doodie head ;) So yeah....fill me in if you want to :) I totally know what you mean about the language. I miss French so much and I want to take it again so bad. I am sorry you won't be able to continue with it class wise. You'll always have all that knowledge. LOVEYOU!

  3. Lol what do you mean you can't figure out the song? Did you click on the link silly? And yes, I'll call you soooooooon hopefully, as soon as all this school crap is out of the way. :)
    Lovvvvvvve you guys!
    Honest Abe

  4. jenny wants a phone call or something tooooooooo!!!!!!
    kera- when did i use tehe???

  5. Jenny: no, no you used the word beer 'n' skittles. That is what made me happy.

    Ambiese - Yes girly! I cannot wait to hear your voice and see you <3

  6. kera- haha. oh. ok. lol.
    ambi- still awaiting my own phone call . . . or something ;) lol.
