Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Wonderland! by Gabs

So, I started to write a comment on Kera's post, but when I got to the third sentence of my second paragraph, I decided to just write my own post. Woohoo! First order of business: SLEDDING! I am so excited! I can't actually remember the last time that I went sledding. I actually think it might have been before Alex was born, and he will be 5 in a month. Crazy, right? He is getting so big and cute and just awesome! He has this new Spongebob hat that he wore every day this weekend. It was adorable. And he told me that I was his favorite person. Which is funny, because last weekend he told me he loved bacon more than everyone except Andrea. Haha. Okay, that's my tangent about Alex. =]
Second order of business: I AM LOVING THE SNOW! It is making campus look so pretty. Although it is less fun to walk through, even if the quad we live on this year is better salted and shoveled than the walkway in front of my dorm last year. At least for now, I'm trying not to get my hopes up. It was kind of sad at first with just the flurries, because all the snow melted away... Thursday night? Although Wednesday I did get to witness a girl totally wipe out on the ice in the middle of her drunken rendition of "Let It Snow". It was kind of hilarious. Although the effect was sort of lessened when we got back to our dorm and the full ramifications of "Wasted Wednesday" came upon us. Drunk people are so gross- Amber witnessed a girl spitting in the stairwell at one point. Ick! And don't even get me started on the mysterious substance my hand encountered on the stair rail the second week of the semester. I freaked out. Ha!
Anyway, I am not excited about finals, but I am pushing through. Yes! Mostly because I am really excited about next semester and I just want to get to it already. Even if it is going to be SUPER hard- I am going to be in 2 English classes, one of which is a really broad survey course (18th & 19th C British Lit) and another more specific class (Nature and Lit). Plus I'm taking an intro Women's Studies course, so there's 3 classes with a TON of reading. Then I'm going to be in a language class- German 2. That shouldn't be as hard. I just know that I am going to have a ton of papers to write, and lots of reading to do. I mean, we have to read 2 novels in one of my classes, and then a very large chunk of Gulliver's Travels, and then still a whole bunch of other stuff. And there are 4 required books in my Women's Studies class, 3 of which aren't the textbook, just novel-length books. So... woohoo! At least I like reading, and books. I am an English major after all. I guess this is what I get. We'll see how many sleepless nights I end up with....
Oh! So a health update. I don't know if I've told you guys, but I was diagnosed with a heart condition in March/April called POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). Basically my heart races when it's not supposed to (I woke up almost every morning with a pulse of 120-not good!) Anyways, I've been on a beta blocker since then to regulate my heart rate. Well recently I've been having issues again- irregular heart rate, etc when it shouldn't be. Even after no caffeine for 3 days and switching up another med I'm on, it's still doing these funky things. So I have to go on a heart monitor for 2 weeks sometime this month- whenever the insurance decides to stop being stupid and just put the darn thing through. My mom got really mad at them- she asked the woman "What if she has a heart attack before the request gets processed? What then?" Needless to say, the woman did not have a response to that question. So, yeah. I'll try to keep you guys updated with that whole thing. Wish me luck!
I can't wait to see you guys!
Love, Gabby


  1. Hey girly! I am believing that all is well with your heart. It IS strong and regular and you will not have to take medicine anymore for it. And yeah, say no no to that insurance being silly and not letting it go through. Your class schedule sounds like fun :) THe whole stair rail thingy is gross...I pictured your reaction to it.
    P.S. Alex is getting cuter everyday! How sweet is he!
