Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wet Feet -Gabby

Wow! It's been a while since I've been on here. First, I will explain the title of my post. It's raining out today, and I definitely wore the wrong shoes. Specifically, really absorbant shoes. Yeah. Bet  you've already figured out how that turned out. Basically, I'm sitting in the computer lab right now without my shoes on, trying to get the to dry at least a little bit. And I have plans to go to Walmart right after class! Oh well, Ambi said she'd bring me an extra pair if I reminded her. Innyhoo. On to more important news! Jenny- that stomach flu is going around DU. My Psych professor was actually out on Friday, and her husband, who is also a professor here, caught it too. Yuck. Luckily I don't have it. And I refuse to. BECAUSE HARRY POTTER COMES OUT THIS FRIDAY! AND I AM GOING TO THE MIDNIGHT PREMIERE! Okay, nerd freak out over. At least on here it is- definitely still going on in my head. Haha. Oh! So I got my class schedule for next semester worked out! I am taking 18th and 19th Century British Literature with an AWESOME professor; Nature and Literary Imagination with Amber, Beginning German II, and Issues in Feminism. Unfortunately, this makes makes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays kind of busy for me, but I don't have class on Tuesdays and only on on Thursday! Woohoo! I am so excited! 
Hmmmm what else to tell you... Oh! I've been going to weekly meetings for BreakAway every Monday night. I am getting really excited, and the people in my group are a lot of fun. Last night we played this game that I've never played before called Ninja. It's really weird and kind of hard to explain, but loads of fun. I can totally imaging our group all playing it together. Anyway, the people. There is a really good mix of people. A couple of freshmen, some sophomores, a junior, and a few seniors. One of the senior guys is really nice, and struck up a random conversation with me yesterday when we were waiting for the meeting to start. It's definitely really cool- it sort of feels like we've all know each other for a while and are pretty good friends. I suppose that's us all bonding over our shared status as Denisonians. Plus when we go on the trip we are going to be squished into a bunkhouse that apparently comfortably fits 10 people and the max is 12. Guess how many of us are going? 12. Haha. Oh! And we're staying on a farm. Woooo..... And it's going to be really cold......... Ugh. Less than excited for that part. Oh well. Yay for new friends!
Love you guys! 


  1. Dude Gabby - NINJA IS AWESOMEEEE!! I love that game and we most definitely need to play it all together. And hey, your trip sounds sooooo neat. I mean yeah, you'll be cramped, but you'll find you won't mind. Annnnd a farm? That sounds so neat. Oh I am so super excited for you. Take lots of pictures kay!! Oh and yay!! I am glad you are not sick. It better stay that way ;)

  2. well first, i am glad you have not gotten the stomach plague. :D second, Ninja is a really awesome game! i first heard of it last year here at school, then we played it at CAMP this year. its fun :) your trip sounds good, i'm glad you are making new friends!!! keep us updated ;)
