Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Stomach Plague - aka - The Death ~by jennyMcJenJen

so there's this sucky stomach virus going around campus, and i guess even ohio in general? (idk, have any of you gotten/heard about it?)

its been about 2 weeks since i first heard about it. at first everyone thought that there were just a few cases of food poinoning, and our cafe decided to start serving us our food instead of letting us get it (which is especially annoying because it takes longer to get food now . . . more on that later). however, now it is officially gastroenteritis (or something like that), better known as either the stomach plague or the death. not that it has killed anyone,  but it has caused a few people to travel to the hospital . . .

so here's my personal story about it: the friday before last, yes, Halloween Weekend, sam's roommate, MC got this. at first he thought he was getting a cold, but actually ended up vomitting several times during the night. he slept most of the day friday and felt good enough to go to Cedar Point (to work/fundraise) that evening. he felt better by saturday and so we (those in my hall) figured he was one of the food poisoning victims. well that sunday is when they began serving the food at mac, in order to stop the "virus" we all "knew" was food poisoning. it was really really annoying.

well i went about my life as usual, then last tuesday (nov 2) afternoon i started feeling weird,  but i thought i was just hungry. so sam and i went to nom (the little cafe/diner restaurant thing just off campus) for dinner bc i didn't wanna go to mac. by the time we got there though, i was really tired and didn't feel too hott. i tried to eat, but wasn't really hungry. i texted people to tell them i'd miss my meetings that evening and decided to try to take a nap when i got back to my room and hope it went away. it didn't. i couldn't fall asleep bc i felt so bloated and grody. sam gave me chewable pepto and as soon as i finished that i threw up. it was nasty. really nasty. suddenly, i had the death. and seriously, i felt like i was gonna die that night. i wont bother you with the gory details, bc they're really gross. but anyway, i felt so weak, and tired, and unable to keep anything down. it got to the point that i couldn't keep gatorade or sprite down. only water. sam and my friend dawn put my mattress on the floor bc i was too weak to climb up and down every 10-20 minutes to go to the bathroom. i told my parents what was going on and they nearly came up to take me to urgent care. i told them it wasn't that bad. but it was bad. i ended up sleeping most of wednesday.

so yeah, it was nasty, but the amazing thing is that it doesn't last very long. like one of those out-of-nowhere, sudden thunderstorms that are really violent but last like less than an hour. i went back to classes thursday, but was still having a few issues. so i went to the health center and got a perscription. was pretty much 100% friday (except for side effects of the meds). however, i washed my hands so much that they are still very dry . . . but other than that, i'm all good :) i survived the death. also, amazingly, sam has not caught it. he refuses to. lol.

but i'd say that at least 1/3 of campus has had it at one point or another in the past two weeks, even a couple professors! so yeah . . . i thought i'd post about it and see if it has infected any of your campuses yet . . .
i hope not!

lots of love,
Jenny McJenJen <3

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