Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tidbits from Kera

This is mostly in response to Jenny (though I might update a tad bit even though I need to be going to bed....). It hasn't been going around my campus, but I've known a few people to have it. My brother has had gastronitis before same with my good friend Zach. Both very unpleasant experiences and were given prescriptions. I am sorry you had a nasty bout with it, but guess who won. You. Boosh! ;) Glad you're feeling better and more spry (sprye??).

Quick tidbit:
I am going to prison today tehe. We are actually, on a field trip, going to be walking among prisoners and speaking with them. My prof keeps saying, "It is a very sobering experience." I am super excited for this trip. I'll tell you more about it when I return.

I am awaiting our return to home where we can all join together for Christmas :D! I am super excited to see you all and play in the snow with you. And please understand I am not jumping on the Christmas/snow come now bandwagon haha. Believe me, Thanksgiving comes first people! ;) But I do await when I get to see you all. I miss you so much. Life is getting a little intense on the homework front this month. I have to do a research paper on a "controversial chemistry subject". I wish my topic could be the controversy over why this research paper is required of us. Is it really that important? Haha. Student vs. Prof controversy so I say that it is. 8 pages of it....haha. I'd rather sit in calculus thank you!

Lots of love to you my dears :D

1 comment:

  1. it is spry without the e. lol. and yeah, i did win, and i am AAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL better!!!

    what kind of prisons did you go to? that sounds so interesting . . .

    its ok to be excited about Christmas, it is "the most wonderful time of the year!"

    i agree that your paper sounds pointless. i think its stupid that colleges/profs require us to write long research papers as if we are going to be doing that in our careers. i mean, i realize that some careers are like that, but the majority of them are professorships (?) and the majority of careers require only small bits of writing. i mean, i'm going to be a math teacher, why do i need to write a 20 page research paper on some obscure math topic in order to graduate?

    so yeah, i understand that you'd rather sit in calculus, so would i! ;)

    <3 jen
