Friday, September 24, 2010

I Lime You So Tartly

So I am definitely not on the Glee scene....:( But I think it sounds great. You know me, I never watch TV. haha. I am in the groove of PILE ON THE HOMEWORK....haha You all know what I mean. Tests are flying at me and homework is piling (WHOA IT JUST STARTED POURING!!)...innyhoo...yes. It's all very exciting. My criminal justice class is getting me all fired up about historical documents! And I am liking calculus! It's amazing what happens to you when you want to learn!! :) I was wondering what you have all learned about historical documents in your years of learning. Did you ever learn about the Mayflower Compact and what did you learn were the main points of our popular documents (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, George Washington's Farewell Address, Articles of Conderation). I am rather curious, so if you get a moment, give me a quick little earful :) My New Testament clas is AMAZING! haha My professor actually read us a children's book today. He's a rather adorable man haha. And he'll sing in class and the whole time he is teaching us the Bible. Of course I find it rather fascinating as is, but he makes it really funny! Yes guys, the Bible is meant to be funny too! Get that? God has a sense of humor? WHAT? How could that ever be? ;)
Haha, so today I passed a group of four girls who must have been in a very heated discussion because the one yells exasperatedly, "I was saying I thought you meant (weight, wait...not sure which one until she goes...), you know, in STOP WAIT! (I almost died laughing.....haha)
Oh and two other funny overheard things. A guy and girl in the middle of Chuck's (our cafeteria). Guys says to girl: This is the very reason I bought my Backstreet Boys boxers! Tehe
 Second one, guy and girl in Chuck's again....they must have been intensely arguing something because she yells at him, "WE COULD TOO HAVE A BABY!" What could they possibly have been arguing about? haha

This is getting kinda long and I should be studying so...toodaloo! I lime you all so tartly! <3

GLEE! - By Cassi

I'm interrupting my watching of Glee to say how AWESOME this episode of Glee is! Way to open the season! I can't wait to watch the whole season. BOOYAH! Guys, I'm so excited, it's not even funny. Do you guys think the blond guy is cute? I do. And I really like Sunshine so far. Dang man.

What else is new with you guys?

The newest thing with me is that I'm meeting a Wasian like myself on Saturday. He's 24 and his name is Scott. Oh wait, I might not meet him. Well in any case I'll keep you guys updated. I hope you're all doing well. Thinking of you. - Cassi

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Take These Words! - Caitlin

I know, I know, I didn't tell you guys everything right away!

But I feel like everything has been going by so fast and so much stuff has been crammed into each day! I mean whoa. It's September 12th. How did that happen?! Alright, where to start? Well, first of all I love my apartment. It is beautiful and spacious. I love (most of) the people I live with and I'm surpised at how much we've bonded in the little time we've been here. (Even though it's felt like weeks on end.) We do all kinds of fun and crazy (yet completely sober! yay!) things and I love it because they are so weird, just like you guys so I don't miss home as much. We've had some "family" dinners and they have been awesome. I love being able to cook and bake. It makes me feel a lot more at home. Oh, I think that you guys should tell me your favorite baked good. I have fun baking and it calms me from the stresses of college life! =]

Now on to classes, I'm actually really liking my classes. It makes all he world of difference when you can choose your classes and you don't have those silly freshmen requirements! I'm taking a completely awesome science class, science majors look away as I explain. Everyone says it's fake science. I semi-agree, but I love it. On Mondays we have lecture, on Wednesdays we have lab - in the community garden, where we pull weeds, plant veggies (we haven't gotten there yet, but we will this week I believe) and then on Fridays we go on field trips! This past Friday we went to a local farm and we got to take home some fresh veggies. I got some bell peppers, banana peppers, and a sweet potato! Yummy. I can't wait for the rest of the semester. Oh, and the best part about it is that it's only half a semester!

I also have my Honduras Prep class, which is already interesting. I really like one of the professors going on the trip, she's really funny. Plus the readings that we have are really interesting. And I'm so excited about the work that we will be doing while we're down there.

Then is Educational Psychology, which is not what I anticipated, but that's okay. I thought that it would be mostly a psych class since I'm taking it for my Psychology minor and it's one of the ones I have to take. But apparently it's in the Education field. So I'm basically learning how to teach now guys!

On Tuesday and Thursday I have my Intro to Digital Photography class, which so far has been three hour long lectures about everything I already learned in high school photography. I want to fall asleep everyday. But luckily we've begun our first project so hopefully that will make it bearable. I also have my Human Services class, which is Counseling Individuals and Families, so in addition to learning to be a teacher, I'm also learning how to be a counselor! Yay! It's a little stressful because I feel put on the spot a lot; we do mock counseling sessions and we've already done two five-minute sessions in one class and six five-minutes sessions in another. It's interesting though, because even though I don't want to be a teacher at the level they are teaching us about or a counselor, they are both close to home and should be useful anyways.

Well, that's all I can think of for now, and I'm pretty sure that's a ton of information because I've been rambling for like half an hour. Probably more cause I've been distracted a bunch too. I hope you guys are having fun and I hope to hear from you all soon!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Random Things I've Come Up With - By Cassi

Hey guys! I just HAD to share these golden insights.

Today I was at work and I was walking through the student center, when all of a sudden, I saw none other than Mr. Bennett! I quickly pretended to look the other way, and as he walked past me he pretended to look the other way as well. BUT!... We definitely saw each other. BUT!... We didn't say anything. It was so awkward. SO AWKWARD! I then had quite a trip down the crooked memory lane as the men of my past started to haunt my thoughts. I decided that the result of this uncomfortable encounter and forced blast from the past gave me the AWKWARD HEEBIE JEEBIES. The AHJ can occur when you have been placed in a situation that you would die to get out of, but once you are indeed removed from the situation, you still feel like sticking your tongue out and making gagging noises. Bleh! Bleh! This is what happened to me.

Another interesting phrase I made up today is: "Smile at the janitors in your life - you're a hot mess."

Random. I know. But hey. That's how we do.

You guys are awesome. I hope you had a great week and I hope you remember that I remember to remember you often and think of you fondly. :D

- Cassi

Tuesday, September 7, 2010



