Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yay for a new semester! -By Amber

"Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." ~Mark Twain
Who's happy to be back at school? I know I am! Denison has been as fabulous as ever, even though it has been pretty hot recently and our building keeps running out of hot water. It's been good, though. I also think this will be a vast improvement on last year, which was so emotionally draining, I feel lucky that I wasn't comatose all summer from emotion overload. I'm just so fabulously happy to be back with my Denison friends. It feels so good to be back at Camp Denidoo.

Even though it's only been 4 days (WHOA! Feels like longer) since I moved back in, I'm already readjusted to the whole Denison atmosphere and feel so at home. Also, even though today was only the second day of classes, I'm starting to feel the burn of being busy ALL THE TIME with schoolwork. I'm taking General Chemistry I, Introduction to the Science of Biology, Spanish, and Issues in Feminism. Feminism and Chem are good so far, but I'm already in love with Biology and Spanish. My Bio professor talks about himself in the third person, and told us that this semester we're all going on a trip to Biologyland. My Spanish professor is super cool: she's from Spain, so she has that super awesome Spaniard accent, and her voice sounds like the one lady from Holes... You know the one, the old lady who What's-his-face is supposed to carry up the mountain, but he forgets so his family is cursed? Madame Zeroni, that's it! Phew! That took long enough...

We are all going to do great. Just try not to let me and Gabs get to caught up in the Denison bubble...

Love and hugs to everyone! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's Kera - Totally love the reference to Holes! And third person rocks! haha I like him already. I am glad that you are happy to be back :) I can just see your happy smile!
