Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Updates and FUNNIES!!!

Hello everyone! 

First of all, MY PHONE IS LOST/BROKEN. Just an FYI to not be offended by my non replies in that respect. 

I may as well update you on how things are going for me since that's the point of this blog - to keep in touch with the lives of each other! I also want this post to have some funnies it in as well though. So power through the boring updates to get to the funnies. 

Classes are pretty good. My favorite is piano! Yeah man, I'm learning to play piano! It's so great. Best homework EVER. I love music. Last week in class we played "Drunken Sailor" as an ensemble and it was awesome. It made me think of that Office episode where Dwight thinks he's steering the booze cruise and so he's singing that song. Awesome. :)

Love life.... My roommate texted her home teacher (in our church we have pairs of people who visit you and check up on how you're doing; girls are visited by a pair of guys (home teachers) and a pair of girls (visiting teachers) at least once a month. Any questions? Ha ha.) who is 1/4 Hawaiian and is pretty cute. She texted him, "Hey, my roommate Cassi Williams thinks you're cute and I think you should ask her on a date." She didn't tell me she was going to do that so I was a little bit..... Upset when I found out? But then I was okay with it. :) However, it just made things really awkward around him and so now he doesn't really talk to me.... UGH! But whatever. It's kind of funny. Nbd. 

Mary, Natalee, Susanna, moi
Roommates: Well, we have a 6 person apartment, but they only sold 4 of those contracts, so we have a ton of extra space!! It's awesome! It means two of my roommates have their own rooms. Mary and I still share, because we're boss roommates. So yeah. :) Oh, and because of how the bedrooms are set up, mine and Mary's room and Natalee's room are attached with a bathroom in between, so we all share that one, and then Susanna, our other roommate, just gets her own bathroom. Her own room and her own bathroom. QUE UNA PRINCESA!!! It's all good. :) We all get along so well, and we even have "roommate prayer" together every night. It just helps us be a lot closer and speak more kindly to each other on a daily basis. I love it! It's also awesome that Susanna is like a tall Mexican (oxymoronic, ha ha!) melancholy version of myself. And major brainwaves, i.e.: I go to my grandparents' on a Friday for the weekend. Susanna stays in Provo. I get back on Sunday. We start talking. We look at our nails and notice that we both decided to paint them the exact same color of TAUPE on Saturday. TAUPE. I mean really. Who paints their nails TAUPE? So that was when we knew we had something special. :)  

Okay funny stuff time: 

*Prank war. RG APT 107 (the girls - team Midnight Stranger) vs. C2 APT 2 (the guys - team Ninjormon). It all started with a couple of friendly swipings of personal electronic devices and putting passwords on them (MS - 1, NJ - 0) and creating a scavenger hunt for my mp3 player, complete with a hand off in a parking lot at 1 in the morning (see photo: - 1, NJ - 1). But then all of a sudden, we found ourselves stealing a mattress out of the guys' apartment... We wrote a standard ransom note for anonymous guy friend to get his bed back, but instead, he goes and gets a random mattress from somewhere else and refuses to follow our ransom instructions. So thus ended the prank war, in my opinion, with a major major act of poor sportsmanship and ending of the fun. Heck man, when this anonymous guy tied one of my flip flops to a bag of rocks and threw it in the deep end of a pool, I fished it out after 15 minutes of hard labor! Therefore, I was kind of disappointed in his lack of willingness to look a little bit silly in this harmless prank. Especially since at this time, he had stolen my apartment key and then made me go out in the rain to find my piano book under a stairwell... Lameness. Moral of the story: be a good sport, or the fun will end. However. There is a happy ending to this story: Team Midnight Stranger was forced to pair up with Team Ninjormon when Team Rotten Food attacked all of us. We got them with teamwork as I filled up a pitcher of cold water and handed it to one of the guys to drench the other team in the FACE. Oh yeah. It was awesome, and their rotten corn couldn't do us any harm. :) So. We all ended up being friends again anyway and it was awesome. 

OKAY GUYS. This website was basically MADE FOR US. It's a comic. It's witty. It's simple. There are math jokes that Jenny would understand. There are puns. It's for US! It's LOOK IT UP! I hit the random button a lot. But here are some funny ones that I've found: 

Enjoy. And guys. I love you all. I miss you. And I hope your lives are going okay. Please update on here and let me know what's new. 

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