Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Replies, Updates, and Venting, bc i can ;P

okie dokie, so when i tried to reply to Kera about lunch, it wouldn't let me comment, idky. so my dear Karot: If you have access and time to microwave a lunch, I highly reccommend Smart Ones Creamy Rigatoni with Chicken and Broccoli, tis quite yummy and takes about 5 minutes to prep.
If you do not have time or access to a micro, as i do 3 times a week, i pack my lunch the night before and just toss it in my lunchboxbag (its box shaped but not a sturdy box really, so its a boxbag. lol) in the morning. :)

so yes, cassi: 1) sounds like your apartments are AWESOME!!! 2) i like the xkcd stuffs and 3) i think i can speak for us all when i say we miss you too!!!!

okie dokie. replies out of the way, i can now update you all on my life. First off, ONU switched to semesters, and i dont really like it overall. I was a Psych minor, but in order to complete it, i have to take more classes per term than i did under quarters, and its causing me to stress overly much, in turn causing my grades to suffer a bit. Hence, I am dropping the minor. but dont be sad about it, bc i believe its part of this new thing for me called focusing. God is teaching me what my limits really are, and to focus. Focus on only certain things so that i can do those few things better and focus on Him so that i am better equiped to handle life in general. lol. so yes, that's the big thing for me academically.

lets see  . . . Sam and I are doing well. ups and downs for sure, but that's mostly fixed as I learn to focus on God more. tho i do have to be patient with sam in terms of the rate of our relationship. its hard for me to be surrounded by all these girls getting engaged and married (aka my roomie and a bunch of girls in Kappa Phi) and knowing that i really dont want anyone else but not getting the same idea from him. idk if that made sense, but basically, he and i have talked about it and if we graduate from college and remain a couple, it will still be at least a year before i see a ring . . . so yes, i have to learn some patience. lol.

Speaking of my roommate, i love her but she is super stressed and therefore difficult to deal with. sometimes it feels like she thinks no one else is stressed but her. but its difficult to empathize because pretty much all her stress is a direct result of choices she made. She wanted to get married ASAP, but didn't want to be married while still in school. so she's graduating a semester early. to do that, she has taken summer classes both summers. in addition, she has to take a lot of classes per term, which is stressful in itself. related, since they were engaged, her fiance moved to ohio last summer (2010), and they chose to get an apartment together. in order to help pay for this, beth (roomie) decides to start an Amway job, which means more stress. also, they decided to get a cat, so more money stress. and it just gets really difficult in general bc i can't vent to her about my own stress bc i just get her situation all over again. i get that she has a lot of stress, i do. she has more than i do, but can you see why its not easy to empathize? so yes. that is a good portion of my venting. lol.

the other portion is that other than sam and bethany, i dont feel like i can vent to any of my friends here and recieve the sympathetic reactions that i always got from all of you and its weird. like 95% of my friends here are nothing like you guys . . . its just strange . . . and i know its junior year, but i def still miss you all . . .

in other news . . . oh! so i told you all about my weird period issues, even tho its probly TMI i'm going to update you that things have been fairly normal since July. not regular, but normal for me. so that's good. :) i dont have any serious health problems that i know of. lol.

ummm . . . idk what i'm going to do over the summer bc i want to tutor or something related to my field, but i know the school wont hire me, even if its part time. but i know im not going back to McD's. i refuse. so yeah . . . i dont really have any fun stories like Cassi . . . i'm sorry ;P

i hope y'all are doing well! i love and miss you!

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