Friday, April 29, 2011

Love Spring Update - By Cassi


Well. School has been over for me for exactly a week now! I took my last final last Thursday and it went well. Now is the nailbiting period where I get to wait for my grades to come back in my English classes. I have to kick butt in them so I can get accepted into the English Teaching major so I'm hoping for the best! 

This summer should be interesting. That's all I'm going to say. I know a few of you know what I'm referring to....... There are a few things that I'm really excited about and a few things that I'm pretty worried about as far as this summer goes. It will be interesting, to say the least. 

I think I read all of your messages carefully when we had that huge message chain on updating our lives, but please answer my questions since I may have missed some details. 

Amber, I loved reading your update thing. I'm so excited for you and all the things you're planning for your life. You're a shining star! I'm glad you've found a calling in something you truly loved.

Gabby, I want you to know that you can talk to me whenever you need to, even though we don't talk a lot. I will always being willing to listen. I'm sure any of us would be willing to listen. That's just how we work. You don't have to keep anything inside if you don't want to. 

Jenny! That not having your period thing is really weird. It's been awhile since you posted about that. Has the doctor told you anything significant? I hope things have worked out. That would be super stressful. 

Kera. Dang girl, it sounds like things are working out well for you now, or at least you've been able to be happy about your life at the moment. I'm so happy for you. I love hearing about how things are for you now since you are nothing less than a light and a little ball of sunshine. Thanks for sharing your happiness and insights. 

Moima. Dude. How the heck are you. I have no idea how things are with you besides what others have told me. So I hope you're doing well!

Caitlin. Hi. I love you. I talk to you often enough. :D Um.... Oh! Carpet dots skinny walking often see. Heh heh. Good times. 

Let me tell you all about my latest quest! I am making a PEOPLE BOOK. I am making a book of all the people I love. I'm going to write my favorite things about the people I'm closest to or the people who I have to live with (random roommates ha ha). I am doing this because there were moments over the year when I was seriously annoyed with some people who I really loved. I feel like it would be beneficial for me to be able to go to my people book and read the best things about the people who are getting on my nerves, helping me remember the best in those who may be annoying me a little bit. Basically, it comes down to this huge life realization that I had: people are made of their good parts, not their bad parts. People are not defined by their weaknesses, but their strengths. What people are deep down is their best, not their worst. I find joy and happiness in finding this best in others. That's why I'm really excited about my people book. I also hope it will help me be more patient with that roommate that makes the apartment smell like food from ten days past. :)

That's all for now guys. I love you all. I look forward to the day when we will meet again. Because I have faith that we will! 

<3 Cassi


  1. well Cassi, i actually went to the dr. on monday. it was interesting bc it was my first visit with her. anyway, here is the low-down:
    the period thing could be stress, hormonal, or PCOS. based on my life, stress is very believable. based on the depression-ish thingy i am seeing a counselor for, hormones are also beleivable, but that could be working the other way around too . . . i really hope its not PCOS. at any rate, i was told not to worry just yet, and to keep a log. i am going back August 2 to check things out. so i will keep everyone updated. however, i have, for a week and a half now, been on a very very light, strange, no-cramping kind of period . . . so yeah . . . we'll see :)

    on another note, they also took my blood to test things generally. and apparently i have low Vitamin D so now i get to take that daily. however, i also tested with low iron, but i gave up red meat for lent so that's not surprising. lol.

    so yeah that's what happened with said dr.

    <3 J

  2. Oh, okay. I'm glad to hear that, as of now, things are not too serious. Please do keep us updated. :) And I'm glad to hear that you are once again surfing the crimson wave. Welcome back to PMS Beach.
