Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hit Me Up Some Feedback

Today I got to eat with the president of my university in the Presidential Dining room (all wood, fancy napkins, plates with the seal on them). So that was exciting and just neat that no one is above you meaning, even the president of the university wants to sit and talk with you. I enjoy that about college :)

Then secondly, I was asked to be a hair model for a woman from Bible study. She's interviewing for a prestigious hair salon and she has to do a live hair style...so she wants to chop off my hair and dye it. I told her I wasn't sure and not to put me on the top of the list. She wants a long haired model and thought of me first. a) I have virgin hair haha b) She wants to go above the shoulders which makes me nervous. What do you guys think? It's a completely free hairstyle. :/ I don't know. INPUT PLEASE!

Thirdly, I love my criminal law class. Who'd think that studying law would be so fascinating? We dicuss all sorts of issues! It's kinda firing me back up to the idea of being a prosecuting attorney. Why do all the things I want to do involve more schooling (and as we know, more school = poverty ;) haha. You're rich in smarts but poor in all else). haha. Today we talked about homicide yay! There are actual legal forms of homicide - a) abortion b) death penalty and c) war time killing. I never thought of that fact before. And I know all these defenses for crime and how self-defense applies. It's rather fascinating and I am glad I am taking it. At least I understand the laws for which I am meant to uphold.

What are you guys learning in your classes right now? Anything exciting? Intriguing?

I learned something else interesting today (not in class). Apparantly one of my friends was watching a discovery show and they said that men are able to get HPV in their tonsils and mouth....weird huh? Oh and does anyone know how many rights that a man has when his wife / girlfriend is pregnant and he wants the child? Oooh!! Ethics question! What do you guys think about how far a woman's rights goes when it comes to carrying a child? Should she have complete right over her body? I really would love to hear feedback!

Okay I'll bid adieu for now because I fear I might just explode all sorts of mental thought processes when I really should be reading Job and Ecclesiastes for Old Testament.

I love you all and I hope you're having a beautiful time :) I cannot wait til we are reunited again!

1 comment:

  1. mmk. so fist, i kind of think you should go for the new hair, unless she's gonna die it blue or something like that. but here's why: 1) its free and you're probably never gonna get the opportunity to do that again. 2) its a riska and a change, and not one with too many repercussions, so why not? you've had the hair you have for forever now. no harm in changing it up. 3)hair grows back and can be re-dyed if you absolutely hate the color. also, if you hate the cut, you can change that too and wait for it to grow again. i would try to convince her to not cut it super short, but just around or above the shoulders should be fine :) 4) i think it would be awesome to see something completely different on you. so yeah, that last one is completely selfish of me, but yeah. lol.

    second: as for how far a woman's rights go when she is carrying a child . . . first of all, its not just her body anymore, so she doesn't have full autonomy. i think that the father of the child should have a say in it. if they disagree, then medical conditions need to be taken into account, along with conditions the child will live in after birth. if all is fine and equal, then its probably the mother's choice, but its still a really tough decision. and of course i have to take into account the fact that i believe abortion is wrong in almost every case. but that's just my opinion/belief.

    last, i really need to do an update on my life, but dont really have time right now, so if i haven't posted by next tuesday, somebody email or fb yell at me ;)

    <3 J
