Friday, September 16, 2011

Let the New Year Commence!

It's about time someone posted on here, just sayin'. :) What's been going on with me.....

I've been working full-time, going to school full-time, and sleeping about 5%. haha. I have consistently gotten 4-5 hours of sleep every night. Needless, to say, I've been exhausted and I am sure rather humorous to those around me. I've been stuttering! And guys, it's becoming a bigger issue that I am developing an accent. My a's are becoming like that of Michiganders and I say Bible with a Southern accent. There are other words that come out with a Carolina hint. Though, I think the accent is a bit more permanent and not connected to the sleeping issue.

My classes are AMAZING. I have been excited to read my social psychology textbook. Though it's super convicting and frustrating. haha. It knows people too well. Zach and I find ourselves constantly saying, "Well that was this principle." or "that was this theory." Nothing we do cannot be rooted back to social psychology. Can you imagine how frustrating that is? haha It's also enlightening however. What's convicting about it is that there's some theories in there that make you cringe. For instance, social comparisons. The idea behind social comparisons is that we evaluate ourselves based on what we think of others. On the surface, that doesn't seem too bad right? The examples they used made me go, "ow, ow, ouch...ooh man.." The one said that we see ourselves as pretty if we perceive others to be uglier than ourselves. Gosh! haha It's all fascinating though! And my professor is hilarious. The class is more discussion, so we tend to giggle a lot naturally. What's also neat is that my classes all coincide in some way. I am taking Social Psychology, Statistics, Juvenile Delinquency, and Politics and American Culture. What's neat is based on what I've learned in social psychology, I can then explain the behaviors of juvenile delinquents. Then the theories I learn in JD I can then apply in social psych. Statistics obviously says a lot in social psychology when evaluating research. Then politics has been incorporating some ideas from others. I really love that I am beginning to feel like a well-rounded individual. I enjoy that I can sit down with classmates or my parents and have intellectual discussions. My friends and I (just like us from home) actually sit around a table, drinking coffee, and discussing LIFE and all that we learn. All of us have different majors, but we find a way to apply each of what the other is learning into one basic idea. (which of course, is something we happened to discuss in social psychology SEE WHAT I MEAN?)

As to work, I work a Tim Horton's. I actually really enjoy it. I've met some interesting people and had the opportunity to be blessed. It's very stressful at times and I've thankfully been blessed with a gift of calmness. Or else, it'd have been terrible at times. haha I'm learning all the lingo and how to do all the little odd jobs :) My boss seems rather impressed with me and my manager has made a few comments as well which I am so thankful for. I don't know if you guys saw my FB status the other day, but the one manager thought I was pregnant because I'd been butterfingers. Needless to say, that was a hilarious discussion and funny thing to tell Zach. haha

It's rather different living off campus. I feel like a different kind of student. And driving to school everyday is kind of strange. And it's funny too because Zach and I feel different having to ask, "We take your car, my car, or drive separate?" haha Silly perhaps, but it's a rather odd thing for us. I also don't have a meal plan, so it's difficult for me to take the time to pack a lunch. I need to do better at that. haha If you guys have ideas for fast lunches, let me know :) haha

As for something more future oriented, I think I know what I want to do in life. I'd like to do research, perhaps looking into neuroscience and body chemistry related topics (the research is a bit more open-ended, but I definitely want something with science relations of course :)) My long-term goal that requires lots of little ones along the way is I'd like to open my own Biblical counseling practice. Yup, it's a whopper, but I believe it's gonna happen. I've been finding myself more and more being equipped and shaped in the area of marriage and family counseling. Along with that, I'd like to work with teens and young adults on sexual integrity. So basically, the tracks I am hoping to work with would be marriage and family, human sexuality, men and women's issues, and perhaps some neuroscience, additions kind of atmosphere. That is kind of where I am right now in my future plans.

I'd like to hear how a) classes are going b) if there's been any fun stories/jokes in your lives c) any big changes in future plans/lives/etc. d) how you personally are doing (as in happy, sad, nostaglic, whatever the case may be! I don't want it to be all about your life and not you yourself) I love you all and hope to hear how you're doing. With lots of love,
