Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Wish Things Were Simple Again

Oh, gosh, you guys. Adulthood had definitely arrived! I think I may hate it. Things aren't amazingly better. Some days are good, and some are bad. It sometimes depends on how often I am on Facebook, because that tends to make me really depressed. I'm not finishing up the semester with you guys, and things are changing so much in my life right now it feel like. Huhhhhhhhhhh. There are some things I want to say on here, but I'd rather not do it just yet. I want to get some stuff talked about one-on-one first before blurting it out on here. For now I'll just say that it's been a really emotional and hurtful ride for me, and one that I think is going to change my life forever.
I love you all so very much. I know I can talk to any of you at any time, and I thank you Cassi for letting me know. It's just not the easiest thing for me, you know? I'll explain in person when I see you all next.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Adulthood Has Arrived

I have started the packing up of my dorm room. It's rather sad. The walls are bleak white and there's an atrocity on my floor. At least my laundry detergent is wafting through the room making it slightly more cheery. Awaiting summer is rather a two-sided dilemma - I'm excited to come home and see you guys, spend time with family, and work (potentially as a barista :D), but yet I'm saddened to not be expanding my knowledge (hey I know, nerd), always being busy, and of course, missing Zach (he'll be spending all summer at a camp where I'll only be able to talk to him for a small bit on Sundays if that). Can you believe that we've spent two years in college already? It's unbelievable! I saw some prom pictures for PHSC and I felt OLD. Me, old? Us, old? Gosh guys what is happening? haha

What are the plans for your summers? Jobs? Trips? Camps? Sleepovers? Nothing? haha

I realized I haven't updated what has been new with me in quite a bit. I am going to be living off campus next year, so 25-30 minutes away. I'll be living in a big 'ole house with one another girl and two big dogs (Great Dane and Chocolate Lab). I'll have a fire pit and a queen sized bed (simple pleasures in life right?). I'm only taking 12 credits hours to save money and be spending only three days a week on campus (meaning I'll need a job to fill the other hours of the week). I'm mostly excited for next year, but a part of me is a bit saddened. I'll really feel the weight of adulthood and responsbility. I'll be paying monthly bills, shopping for my own food, and spending very little times with friends, family, and the man. haha. But, on the bright side, I look forward to bonfires, sleeopvers (finally!! since we're not allowed to in dorms), and making myself expand my cooking portfolio :)

I am going to end here and wish you all you who have them well on your finals! I await seeing all of y'alls faces soon <3 Finish strong! Love you!